Monday, January 5, 2009

Aircraft Systems I Maintained/Repaired

Maintenance and repair included troubleshooting avionic systems to identify the faulty component on the aircraft to working on the individual black boxes in the shop. During shop repair I would troubleshoot and identify the problem down to an individual electronic component using test equipment and what I had learned during my technical training. Once I found the faulty component by analzying the circuitry, I would remove and replace it with a good component and then perform an alignment of the black box before returning it to serviceable status and to supply for reissue to repair another system on another aircraft at a later point in time.

Below is a listing of aircraft systems that I have maintained/repaired and aligned.

  1. AN/APN59B() Radar
  2. AN/ARN118 Tacan
  3. APX-64, APX-72, MARK XII Identification Friend Foe (IFF)
  4. AL-101 Radio Altimeter
  5. RDR 1100, 1200, 1300 Bendix Weather Radar
  6. AN/ARN131 Omega
  7. AN/ARN-6, DFA-70, DFA-73 Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) Radios
  8. 51R-6, 806A, 51V-4, 51Z-3, 51Z-4, 51V-3, 51X2B, 344B-1, DGS-20, ARN18, ARN32, ARN67, ARN-127, ARN-12, and ARN-14, Variable Omni Range (VOR)/Instrument Landing Systems (ILS)
  9. APN-171, HG9025, SCR-718 Radar Altimeters
  10. APN-70, APN-157 Loran
  11. ARC-164, ARC-34, 17L/51X2B Radio
  12. AN/APN-169 Station Keeping Equipment (SKE)
  13. AN/ASQ-15, AN/ASQ-70 Pressurization Systems
  14. AN/AIC-10, AN/AIC-18 Intercommunication Systems
  15. C-141 All Weather Landing System (AWLS)
  16. Carousel Inertial Navigation System (INS)
  17. APS-113/RDR-110 Radar

There is another entry in my blog to reflect individual components of each of the systems listed above. There are additional systems that I have worked on that are not listed above, however I did not keep track of all the systems I worked on.

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