Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Participated in moving hard copy contracts and technical data utilized for identifying electronic items in for testing by the Defense Electronics Supply Center Test Lab into a computer process. Prior to implementation of the computer program all hard copy contracts had to be reviewed and screened for testing and associated technical data had to be ordered. Upon implementation of the computer program efficiency was increased dramatically since the information could be sorted and reviewed via computer instead of having to sift through hard copy contracts.

Built a test bench mockup for testing of individual components of an airborne weather radar system manufactured by Bendix. Prior to the test bench mockup, fully serviceable components were being taken to Bendix for repair when nothing was wrong with them, costing bench and evaluation time to be charged back to the Air Force.

Participated in the modification of an avionic system aboard a KC-135 Tanker that was utilized to test the airflow around a B1 bomber via spraying water in front of the B1 during flight. The avionic system was modified from standard configuration to allow close proximity rendezvous of the KC-135 Tanker in front of the B1 Bomber.

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